How-To Articles

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Arches National Park,
May 2015

We've been camping in Moab since the first of May.  To say the least, the red rocks that surround us are spectacular in their color, texture, shapes, and enormity.   Arches National Park in Moab exemplifies these red rock fantasy forms.

In 2010, during my 6 month tour of the National Parks, I visited Arches.  But, when Bob invited me to tag along on one of his photo sessions into the park, I readily agreed.  It's hard to get too much of a good thing.  We went to the Windows District.  Here are some of the scenes I was able to capture.

Petrified Sand Dunes in front of the Manti-LaSal Mountains.
As viewed  on the drive into Arches NP.  5/11/15 

Close up of Petrified Sand Dunes in Arches NP with  the 
North Window and Turret Arch in the far distance. 5/11/15

Walking toward the North Window and Turret Arch.  5/11/15 

Hiking up the steps toward the North Window.
Look closely at the people standing under it for a
sense of scale.  5/11/15 

The view of the other side of Turret Arch
as taken from the North Window.  5/11/15 

On the other side of the parking lot from the hike to the North Window is the rock formations called the Parade of Elephants.  Do you see them?

Parade of Elephants, Windows District, Arches NP.  5/11/15 


  1. Thank you for sharing these great photos with us! :-)

  2. awesome, thanks for sharing, always love to see your fabulous photos and here about your experiences! it sounds like you had a great winter snowbirding!
    Mary and Gary

    1. Thanks guys. Being a snowbird this winter was a good experience. I miss you and look forward to seeing you both this fall. Love you!


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