How-To Articles

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Spring Wildflowers,
Prescott National Forest

I stayed at the same camp site in the Prescott National Forest from March 18 to April 27 (except for 5 days in the Coconino National Forest).  Here are some of the wildflowers near my camp.

These little yellow flowers were prolific.  They were there when I arrived,
and still in bloom when I left.  Each cluster about 3" in diameter.  4/11/15 

Clusters of the yellow flowers right next to my site.  4/11/15 

Tiny daisy-type flowers in front of a cluster of the yellow blooms.  4/11/15 

More of the white daisy-like blooms.  4/11/15 

The orange flowers are Globe Mallows.  When I left camp
these were blooming all over.  4/11/15 

Pale purple flowers share the frame with an Indian Paintbrush and a
cluster of the little yellow flowers.  4/11/15 

More of that same pale purple flower.  3/21/15 

Light purple is a popular color for little wildflowers here.   4/14/15  

Another pale purple bloom.  4/14/15

A thistle blooms light purple too.  4/23/15

These poppy-like flowers had tinges of purple on their
delicate pink petals.  4/23/15 

Indian Paintbrush started blooming soon after I arrived,
and were still in bloom when I left.  4/11/15  

At sunset: Indian Paintbrush
admiring their handiwork.  4/3/15

When we arrived, we were surrounded by lots of scraggly, dead-looking
bushes.  By the time we left, they had sprouted little green leaves
and were full of white blossoms.  4/11/15 

A panorama of the bushes with the white flowers.  4/23/15 

Also, the Yuca stalks had showy white flowers.  4/14/15 

This little guy, about the size of a quarter,
bloomed just before I left.  4/23/15 

Although not a flower, I liked the curly-cue ends of this grass.

I also was intrigued with this grass that grew in circles of clumps
instead of the typical single clump.  4/11/15

Adorning my car, Irises picked for me by my sister-in-law.
Thanks Kay!  4/26/15 


  1. The grass that was growing in circles is what has sprouted from an old cow pie or plop. It only grows on the outside where the organic matter is not as thick or as hot. I found them interesting too.

    1. That makes perfect sense Charlene. Thanks!

  2. Wow, lots of nice flowers. Thank you for sharing with us. I look forward to visiting Prescott at some point!

    1. Thanks Jim. I'm amazed at the color and variety of flowers in that Juniper forest.

  3. Love the desert flowers, sorry we"re missing them. Thanks for sharing, fantastic photos! Love them all. Hope to be in the desert this coming winter and spring.

    1. Good to hear from you Mary! Hope we finally get a chance to boondock together next year. Enjoy your new gig at Sleeping Bear.


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