How-To Articles

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I'm Still Here

Wow! I can't believe I haven't posted anything on this blog for 4 1/2 months. The reason: I haven't done any traveling.

Well, that's not quite exactly true. For instance, I'm hosting a get together for some of my friends who travel and we went to Mount Rainier National Park yesterday. It was a gorgeous day. The mountain looked truly amazing. And, in honor of the first day of summer, it was free to enter the park. I must go back though, camp at least one night, and explore the park some more.
A distant view of Mount Rainier yesterday, as we were leaving the park.

I've also taken several day trips with hubby to -- Mount St. Helens, Leavenworth, and the Yakima River Canyon. My plan this year is to explore more of Washington State's sites and back roads. I did write about these day trips in my family blog; so, you can check them out if you want to (

Finally, I wanted to let you all know that I've completed most of my write-ups to debrief last years cross-country trip. They are the links in the column to the right under the heading "A Prius RV."

Happy Travels Everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Happy to see you are out there again traveling up in Washington. Have never been to Mount Ranier but it will be on my list someday. With gas prices soaring, your RV makes sight seeing more affordable. Have a fun summer! Virginia


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