How-To Articles

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore (MI), July 16-18

Platte River where it drains into
Lake Michigan, with
Sleeping Bear Dune and one of
the islands in the far distance
I very much enjoyed my time at Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, located on the east shore of Lake Michigan.  I camped at the south end of the park one night, near where the Platte River empties into Lake Michigan, a favorite inner-tubbing spot.  And on my second night, I camped at the northern end near a couple of the historic communities.  The vistas were beautiful of both Lake Michigan and Glen Lake.  I enjoyed many hours of just driving around and doing some people watching.  Two islands, South and North Manitou, are part of the park.  You can take a ferry to them (but, I didn't).

View of Sleeping Bear from
Inspiration Point

"Long ago, along the Wisconsin shoreline, a mother bear and her two cubs were driven into Lake Michigan by a raging forest fire. The bears swam for many hours, but eventually the cubs tired and lagged behind. Mother bear reached the shore and climbed to the top of a high bluff to watch and wait for her cubs. Too tired to continue, the cubs drowned within sight of the shore. The Great Spirit Manitou created two islands to mark the spot where the cubs disappeared and then created a solitary dune to represent the faithful mother bear."
Waves on Lake Michigan at
Sleeping Bear Dunes

Time has taken its toll on the Sleeping Bear Dune, she has lost much of her height and shape due to the natural erosion processes that affect dunes.

The main scenic drive in the park provided some short hikes and spectacular views, including a covered bridge.

One dune, in particular, is set aside for visitors to climb and play on.
A dune to climb!

And Glen Lake, just inland from Lake Michigan was exceptionally beautiful.

Glen Lake

originally posted 9/3/10

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