How-To Articles

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Thoughts from Tahoe

When I arrived in Tahoe yesterday, the weather was fairly nice.  (Pictures of paddlewheel on Lake Tahoe and a mountain up from the beach.)  But today, another winter storm is here.  Beautiful as snow is, I'm glad to be watching it from inside a warm condo.  We're suppose to get about a foot tonight.  (Pictures from inside the condo and from the deck.) 
We've had dinner and am now just relaxing.  I didn't bring a cooler, so all the food that I brought with me doesn't need refrigeration, mostly dried or pre-packaged.  Tonight I made beans and rice with veggies (from all dry ingredients) ... mixed them together and added boiling water.  It was suprisingly good ... except to my brother who doesn't like rice.

Dried food is all well and good, but I also look forward to finding some farm fresh foods along the way.  I just joined Harvest Hosts where RVs can overnight for free at participating vineyards and farms.  Me and my Prius RV are going to take advantage of that one for sure.

And today I'm remembering Elise's birthday.  She would have turned 32.  Always in my heart ... forever my chickadee.

1 comment:

  1. Wow-- Harvest Hosts--what a terrific idea! Hugs to you, my friend, birthdays are sweet reminders of loved ones. BTW I made it to the final pool at Clatsop Community College! Don't have the interview scheduled, though--more later!


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