How-To Articles

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A Cama Beach Holiday

It's 10pm Easter evening. Hubby, I and 6yo grandson Jasper are in a refurbished 1930's fishing resort cabin listening to the wind and waves on Saratoga Passage. It's the 3rd time that I've stayed in one of these little cabins. The first was to celebrate a wedding anniversary, the second a Spring Equinox of reflection and healing. These next few days, however, are dedicated to family before I leave on my cross-country trip.
We hiked, watched a grey whale feeding in the passage, played at the playground, and started a collection of clam shells outside the cabin. All in all, a great time to be a gramma. Once it got dark, we snuggled and watched a cute children's movie, Milo and Otis.  The next day we spied a pair of nesting bald eagles, a sealion, and a solitary common loon fishing out front of the cabin.  After I took the grandson home, hubby and I spent some nice together time.

Our little cabin is 14'x20' with a little kitchenette and two full beds ... the bathrooms are 50' out back. There's a frig, microwave and hotwater-on-demand. The 1.5' high bulk head is about 15' in front of the porch with high tide about another 15' beyond.

Located on Camano Island, north of Seattle, I recommend Cama Beach State Park.  It has history, the Center for Wooden Boats, a little store, friendly staff, and the cabin rentals are very reasonable (just book early or mid-week).  It's a great place to be regardless of the time of year or weather.

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