How-To Articles

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Debriefing ... More Posts to Come

 This is the first blog I've ever done.  I've liked it as a central place to share my traveling adventures and a bit of my emotional healing.  It's nice to have it as a future reference of what did and didn't work for me.
Grand Tetons.  One of my favorite pics.

I now want to do a bit of debriefing before I loose my memory of the details.  But, would like to know if there are any particular topics of interest that you, the reader, would like me to address first.  If so, leave a comment or email me and I'll make it a priority post.  Here are some of the topics I'm considering:
  • - Ventilation in the Prius (how I used the car's AC while sleeping, screen installation on back passenger windows, awnings on side windows ...)
  • - Food (eating on the road without a cooler, food preparation before leaving, costs, eating out, 12v appliances, stoves ...)
  • - Overnighting (preferred sites, where it felt safe, favorite places, pros and cons of sleeping in my car ...)
  • - Security (which self-defense devices used, actual set up in car ...)
  • - Clothing (what did I bring and use, what did I bring and not use, what do I wish I had brought, washing clothes where and how often, how did I pack, how much room did my clothing take up in my car ...)
  • - Bathing and Bathroom (how did I wash up and how often, how did I use the bathroom in the middle of the night, how did I maintain my privacy ...)
  • - Walmart (why did this department store chain play an important role on my trip, pros and cons ...)
  • - The not so fun times (boo boos, what I would change -- places, supplies, routes ...)
  • - Favorite times (where I want to return, nice surprises, most useful stuff I brought with me ...)
  • - Emotional Healing (daughter's death, self as counselor, pet's death, physical journey mirroring emotional journey, self-definition, where ever I go there I am ...)
  • - My Future on the Road (more places to visit and roads to travel, replacement vehicle specs ...)
  • - Any other ideas that you submit ...

Another favorite picture. 
Rio Grand, Big Bend NP

Unfortunately, my husband is facing some medical challenges.  So, if I'm unable to travel more this year, I will stifle my wanderlust for another time. 

FYI:  I've reorganized the archive of my blog posts according to the date of my visits, instead of by the date in which each blog was posted.